weheartit.com -REVIEWS

Social media has really changed the ways we market in recent years. marketers and small companies that understand the effect social media has on sales will surely do better than their competitors. The earlier sales representatives know this the better for them and their entire organization...

7 Tips To Grow Sales Using Social Media
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ted_Pius/2285282]Ted Pius

Social media has become a selling force for the marketing world and marketers are taking a great advantage of it. Recent survey shows that about 75% of sales and purchase decisions are done through social media evaluations in one way or the other. Even the way we do business and maintain customer relationship has changed drastically within the last few years all because of social media. The traditional way of selling both offline and online has changed from email marketing, networking, phone calls and face to face discussions to almost complete social media selling. That been said doesn't mean our traditional ways of selling are no longer good or in use but, we rather make better use of them combining social media selling information and experiments to grow sales using social media.

Growing sales using social media

Social media selling is simple but a tactical way of reaching your audience based on their demographics and at the right time through the right source depending on the most popular social media channel your local or global audience are using at a particular time. Properly using your networks on LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and other social networks, you will be able to easily identify potential prospects, then gain intelligence on your audience needs and challenges, and then leverage this knowledge. This valuable information will make a way for you to engage them in conversation that will give you the opportunity to email, call or even meet them in person and present your offers to them. It is no news that the potentials social media have help marketers uncover new selling opportunities and also develop the existing business relationships that leads them to grow sales using social media.

To succeed on social media, you have to properly plan, set out a clear strategy, devote some time and work hard work before you can even think of succeeding on social media selling. Below are some of the best tips every selling rep should follow in other to be successful on social media.

1. Defined your Brand or Products/Services

Before you even start anything on social media, you as a person or group have to first define your brand, products and services. This means that, how do you want to be seen as a brand? Is it that you are have the best quality products with the lowest cost or do you offer the fastest and efficient services within your niche. Do you want your audience to see you as the best team or group of experts in a particular field? it all have to be first defined. By doing this, you will determine how you want to be perceived in the eyes of your audience and also know the right source of social network you will need to use.

2. Create and complete your social media profiles

After defining your brand and having a full knowledge of how you want to be perceived on the media among your audience and potential clients, the next thing you need to is to create attracted accounts on all the social media platforms within your reach. Whether is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and also create and update your LinkedIn profile. Connect your site with all the above mentioned social sites and not LinkedIn company page. Make sure you don't have previous information on those pages that will hurt your brand and create controversy among your visitors and potential customers. These social media pages represent your brand, products and services to great extent and they must be kept clean and filled with information appealing to customers only.

3. Identify your targeted audience and go after them

There are so many ways of searching for your targeted audience on social network these days. You know them easily by what they like, their subscriptions, what they share and view on daily bases. Another way to search for your audience is through LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great tool for this because they allow you to search for people according to their demographics e.g. by their titles, regions, specific departments, companies, industries, and more. Same thing can be done with Twitter and now with Facebook posting updated to target specific audience to increase engagement. You could also find your potential customers through your competitors' fan pages and make attempts to steel them in ways I won't discuss here. In case you need more information about this, email or contact the admin of this post.

4. Build your social Network with your targeted audience

After getting to know who are your targeted audience on those social networks, Start building your network with the people you know by inviting them to like and share your pages. There are a lot of chances that those people might know who you want to sell to and make sure you add all the people from your past and present job places, your family and friends and encourage them to share your information among their friends. This for sure will lead to your pages attracting new members and so the growth will continue. Make a good use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ to start this process.

5. Identify platforms your audience are using

Knowing the social network platforms your targeted audience are on regularly will help you a lot in targeting them and bringing them to your pages on same social networks channels. You have to understand where your targeted audience spend most of their time, discuss their challenges and share information about topics interesting to them. Once you identify those platforms, join the groups, and subscribe to those platforms. There are chances you would meet a lot of your targeted audience there and convert them to becoming your fans and subscribers. You would do better is you spend more time on those social platforms where your audience spend most of their time. These will lead to more subscribers and potential customers you would keep forever.

6. Grow sales using social media

Learn and monitor your Potential clients on those social media platforms

Some tools like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and Google Alerts are just great peace of software that can help you monitor in real time what your potential customers are talking about online which will allow you to quickly respond to them in a timely manner. Your target audience are continuously sharing information on social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and more which send messages to what their needs and wants are. Sometimes even their profile update might review what their needs are at a time. Knowing all these will give you great insight on what to create and how to target them based on their behavior on social media.

7. Offer Target and valuable content that will impress and engage your audience

Now that you have defined your brand, create and enhanced your social media profiles, identified your target audience and where they spend most of their time on the social media platforms, started building your social network, and began learning more about your target audience, the next challenge will be to start offering great information about your products, services and brand. This will help you to build trust and establish yourself as an expert within a particular field. these days you need to share targeted valuable insights with your prospective customers in the form of quality content using the different social media platforms they use and also make sure these contents are sent to them at the right times and through the right source.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?7-Tips-To-Grow-Sales-Using-Social-Media&id=9409619] 7 Tips To Grow Sales Using Social Media

Social Media Marketing Is no Joke!

Why Do You need to Catch the Social Media Wave?

Why You Need Social Media?...

Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Tip 2: Link Building
Tip 3: Social Media

Why You Need to do Social Media?
Social media, it is all the rage today, It's increasingly becoming a more integral part of people's everyday lives. Especially now that people can carry the world in their pockets with smartphones...

It is therefore critical that you not only have relevant and detailed content on your website, but you must be showing up where they are searching for you.

To do so you must undertake an integrated and comprehensive search and social media marketing effort.

good social marketing is posting comments into good blogs or forums

and thereby creating a rich link-base.

You are sure to get high traction through social media marketing.

It may go as high as getting 2000 hits in just 5 days on one single comment posted with a link to Your Website...

list of quality social networking sites

wherein you can go and bookmark your important web-pages into these social sites.

You may also create your blogs (relevant to your services),

post good content on these and make them more interactive for more visitors to visit...

Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Tip 2: Link Building
Tip 3: Social Media

Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results...

Tip 2: Link Building
In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), link building describes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage-

Tip 3: Social Media
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests ...

Once you are done with On-page optimization, put your best of efforts to gain as many inbound links you can. There are multiple ways that you can work on to achieve a golden value for your website. At the outset, submit your website URL to 100+ Search Engines and 500+ Quality online directories that give you quality link-backs. Write good relevant articles and submit them into quality Article sites. You may also submit your Press-notes into quality Press-release directories. Put your Ads into free classified directories. You may also go for link-exchange campaigns...

Social Media Marketing Is no Joke!

Social media can enable companies to get in the form of greater market share and increased audiences. Internet bots have been developed which facilitate social media marketing. Bots are automated programs that run over the internet, with the most important social media marketing examples being chatbots and social bots. Chatbots and social bots are programmed to mimic natural human interactions such as liking, commenting, following, and unfollowing on social media platforms.

A new industry of bot providers has been created. Social bots and chatbots have created an analytical crisis in the marketing industry as they make it difficult to differentiate between human interactions and automated bot interactions. Some bots are negatively affecting their marketing data causing a "digital cannibalism" in social media marketing. Additionally, some bots violate the terms of use on many social mediums such as Instagram, which can result in profiles being taken down and banned.

Social media detoxification or Social media detox is a kind of mental detoxification under the umbrella of Digital detox, specifically referring to a period of time when individuals stay away from social media platforms.

News flash... Social Media is here to stay. Think about the course of your day, how many times are you on Facebook, or how many times during the course of a news broadcast is Twitter mentioned or how many times do you look up a review of something before you buy on Yelp or Google or any other number of review sites?

Better Understand and Grow Your Business With Social Media
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aaron_F_Montgomery/2088105]Aaron F Montgomery

I have been on Facebook since 2006, Twitter since 2008 and used both platforms as a way to grow my supply company that I used to own. Yes, I even had a very active MySpace account. In the last 3 years, I have also been active at Google + and keep my LinkedIn profile updated quarterly. I also am active on YouTube. So let's better understand and grow your business with Social Media.

So first off what is the point? Why spend time and effort on this? I think as an industry we are definitely slow to adapt many of the tools available to us with social outlets. If you look at some of the major players in our industry very little time and effort is put into social media. Social media does take lots of time and it is hard to really see the results quickly. Also, for many in our industry, we are more of an analog industry and are just now getting to the digital age. Pad Printers are a prime example. Wonderful creative and talented people that stamp ink. They can make just about anything work, but ask a hardcore pad printer their thoughts on the digital sublimation systems is often "that horrible trouble creating machines can take a flying leap... " But in the right environment with the right market, sublimation can be a savior for a pad printers business. So back to Social media...

So why the do we need to be on social media? 37 million people log onto to Facebook daily, and in the last 10 minutes, 40,250 Tweets have been posted. How about Google +? Who do most all of us go to when we want to search for something on the internet? There are 5,922,000,000 (Yes that is 5.9 Billion) searches on Google per DAY. Google holds a staggering 67.6 percent of the U.S. search engine market share, according to the latest search engine market share figures for April 2014, released by comScore. Being on G+ and talking about search terms that are important to your business as well as sharing links to your website on G+ correctly will help your search ranking. By improving your search ranking you will have a better likelihood that someone goes to your website who is interested in the products and services you offer. So the numbers are right. There is an audience and chances are most of your customers are somewhere on social media waiting for you to interact with them.

The other reason for many of us is the price. The price cannot be beat... FREE! Being social is absolutely free and just takes time and effort. There are things you can spend money related to social media that will make things a little easier, but honestly people doing it right and spending the time needed don't have to pay a thing to promote their business and find new customers. What are your alternatives to reaching your customers? You could exhibit at a trade show or home show or another event. Plan on spending $5,000 to $10,000 to really do that right, though. You could do internet advertising with banners or Google AdWords. Plan on spending $1,000 to $2,000 a month to get the kind of reach you can get with social media. You can put ads out on the radio, TV or even the local newspaper, but again they all cost money, a commodity that most small businesses don't have in abundance yet. Now using social media to improve the ROI (return on investment) for the above things is something you should be looking at doing. Let's say you spend the $5,000 to display at a local home show, but by luck of the draw end up in a corner behind the local loud mouth realtor and no one comes to see you. How about using social media to get people past the realtor with images of your booth, jokes about the loud mouth realtor or otherwise. Be yourself and help people come find you.

Another plus is it is not one sided like many other marketing methods, you don't have to be the only one growing your business with it. Real quality interaction is driven by your customers and potential customers. Your job is to foster interaction between your company and products. This is not the elevator pitch where you have 30 seconds to sell your goods and services, this is the time to talk about things that interest your customer and build a relationship that will turn them into lasting customers. Also, happy customer make the BEST salespeople so give them an outlet to advocate for your brand by having an active social media plan.

So what else can be done? With social media, you can also use it as a tool for Customer Service. Yes, I am guilty of using my personal Twitter to vent my frustrations with poor service received by a company. I also try to be aware of shouting out good customer service by companies via social media. Many companies have figured it out and actually do a fantastic job of helping, supporting and taking care of their customers with social media. Then there are the examples of those who have made massive blunders. A company that many of us in our industry might have heard of made the Inc. Magazines top 10 social media fails in 2014 for their posting of a picture of the Challenger space shuttle exploding as a way of celebrating the 4th of July on their Tumblr page. They took a beating for it and the excuse was the social media manager was born after the Challenger disaster and didn't know it was it was. On the flip side of this coin you have lots of companies in our industry and beyond that get it and do a great job of interacting with their customers and making social media an integral part of their customer service plan. For example, I'm a loyal flyer on Southwest because of the help I received via their Twitter team when I was having some challenges traveling with my Autistic son. They sprang into action and made our journey a pleasant one and now I hardly fly anyone else. You can do things like monitor for comments about your company or product and then just make sure you are doing the right thing on social media. You have to put yourself in their shoes and wear your "empathy" hat when interacting with folks on social media. Check your ego at the door!

Social media can also be used as a tool for research and product development. You can find all sorts of information about your competitors, your customers and potential customers on social media. The trick here is to just be part of the conversation. You have to be a human, not just a Twitter Handle or a Facebook Page. You have to give something to get something. This means solving problems, giving tips and tricks, opening the curtain to who you are as a person and company. Once you do this then you can get people to answer questions like "Do you like the black edge plaque with this design or the cherry edge plaque with a different design?" You can also find out if your competitor XYZ Company takes too long to deliver a product, or has other weaknesses that you might be able to take advantage of by being a part of the "group" on social media.

So as you can see to me being a part of social media can be a huge lift for your business and provides you with all sorts of tools to not only promote your business but to also understand and better service your customers. It is free to be a part of it just takes time. But if you think about what your average day looks like, how often are you just reading the latest click bait article that your friend posted on Facebook or looking at the latest Disney quote on Twitter or other time wasting activity. Why not take those 15 minutes and devote it to being active on social media in a way that talks about your business. How about encouraging your employees to be active on social media as it relates to your business. All it takes is for the word to start spreading and you will see results. They won't be huge or immediate, but if the effort is put in and you are daily being a part of the conversation where your customers are at on social media, you will wake up in 6 months to a year and notice that it is working.

Find me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/aaronM_STL or on Google+ at [https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AaronMontgomery]https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AaronMontgomery and let's talk about how you can gain success with social media.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Better-Understand-and-Grow-Your-Business-With-Social-Media&id=9372753] Better Understand and Grow Your Business With Social Media

The total time spent on social media sites in the U.S. across PCs as well as on mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012, compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building a reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income...

https://weheartit.com/articles -REVIEWS

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers.

Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns.

Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing, including current and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public.

On a strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance, setting the scope and the establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone."

social media


https://weheartit.com/articles -REVIEWS

Social Media for Small Businesses
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shashank_Dhadiwal/2543191]Shashank Dhadiwal

Social media has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Businesses of all size and shapes have started making the most of available mediums. Today we will try to anatomize tips on social media for small businesses. There are a plethora of small businesses eyeing social medium to promote their business/services. However, majorly these small businesses are failing or not being able to make optimum use of social media for their business growth. There are many theories and strategies on how to effectively use social media for established brands, but the topic of social media for small businesses is seldom addressed. According to Digital state of eMarketing India 2017 Octane Research:

60% small businesses promote their business on social media. 50% focus on SEO and 35% use multichannel marketing funnel.
70% small businesses consider content strategy as their primary marketing activity.
52% business owners are using social media to efficiently address customer engagement.
More than 20% of business owners said that they are making 50% plus profit using social media.

The primary reasons for the low turnout are uncertainty on an application of social media, calculating return on investment and persuade employees/stakeholders to clinch social media. Hence it is important to address the elephant in the room and analyze how beneficial is Social media for small businesses.

Social media for small businesses is a great way for emerging businesses to generate lead and build a reputation. If regularly updated, social media can deliver more results as compared to traditional mediums. Social media for small businesses gives brands an edge of control over the content that they want to post. Also, since social media is a two-way dialogue process, it helps businesses to instantly identify what is benefitting them. Social media for small businesses also helps generate Word of Mouth, which is one of the best tools for emerging businesses.

Social Media for small businesses | 10 Tips to effectively use Social Media

Define your Target Audience
The first and foremost important part that small businesses should focus on is to define their target audience. This helps small businesses to device their social media strategy accordingly. The target audience should be defined basis age group, sex, location, users' online behaviors, their likes, interests, and preferences. For niche products, business owners can even target users based on their birthdays, anniversaries and important milestone. Audience targeting plays a very crucial role in the outcome of the results. For e.g.: a local shop selling footwear should not target users with interest in entertainment. The shop definitely won't get the desired results.

Set achievable goals
Overnight success is a myth. Small businesses must understand this basic fact. Generally, when a new business starts selling on social media, there is palpable excitement is achieving more than set targeted sales. Businesses need to set goals which are upwards and forward. To achieve enormous goals, small businesses start updating social feed with multiple updates in a shorter duration. This leads to user's disinterest in the product/service. The set goals should be in sync with the brand's core capabilities and expertise. For e.g.: if a business is into selling shoes, they shouldn't set a goal to repair maximum shoes in their area.

Choose the right medium
By now everyone knows, social media is for free. Even paid campaigns can be conducted at a relatively low cost as compared to traditional mediums. It is in this scenario, that we often see small businesses jumping the bandwagon and creating profiles on all the available platforms. Creating social profile doesn't hamper brand image, but aggressively promoting a brand on wrong platforms can lead to brand losing its potential customers. Hence it is advisable for SME's to first identify the right platform through which they can maximize their business. For e.g.: If a shoe selling brand tries to aggressively sell on LinkedIn, they won't get a plausible response as compared to promotions on Facebook/Instagram.

Promote your core product/services
Since each and every business is riding in the social media wave, it is important for them to promote their core product/services. Nowadays, we see a lot of businesses promoting their services as well as promoting peripheral products/services, which revolves around their core product/services. Majority of the times, this SME's doesn't have capabilities to fulfill a requirement, which can lead to a bad word of mouth for their business on social media platforms. Let us go back to our example; if a shoe seller is trying to aggressively promote socks instead of shoes, it is not going to benefit the business in the long run.

Create quality content
Now that we have covered the topics of identifying the target audience, setting achievable goals, choosing the right medium and promoting the right product/services let us now take a look at the type of content business should promote on their social pages. A business should always focus on creating good quality content rather than not-good quantity content. Even if the business updates their page once in a day as long as it is relevant to their business, advocates about its core products send across a clear message it is considered as good quality content. Antagonistically, if a business posts multiple updates which aren't even relevant to the business's products and services leads to users considering the business as fake/spam. Also, new businesses should try and refrain from promoting other businesses on their social platforms initially.

Create a content calendar
Making a small business successful on social platforms is no small task. It takes a lot of efforts for the businesses to keep up their conversion ratio. One such effort is to create a content calendar. Small businesses must anticipate important events and create a content calendar accordingly. Ideally, a content calendar must be planned a month in advance but an even weekly content calendar is highly recommended. This helps businesses to avoid any last minute hassles, strategize much more effectively and it also helps in creating curiosity amongst its loyal fans/customers.

Test and re-test
Social media is highly unpredictable. The content a business posts today, might not work for tomorrow. Hence, small businesses must always test their content before publishing it on their pages. Testing content also applies to the platform a small business chooses to promote. Small business owners must always don the consumer's hat before posting about any product feature, updates, schemes or offers. A consumer's perspective is the key when testing the content that has to be uploaded.

Look for inspiration
Small businesses must always look for inspiration from a competitor who is successful in the same category. Copy pasting competitors idea or content is not the answer. Small businesses must look for the kind of content its competitors are putting up and derive their own strategies subsequently. Inspiring content/stories always make a business to strive to create their own content that is appreciated by one and all. It helps in increasing brand consideration, brand visibility thereby increasing conversions for the business.

Calculate ROI
Even a small promotional budget is not justifiable if there is no mechanism to calculate its return on investment. It is more important in case of small businesses. It is very important for a small business to keep a tab on the budgets allocated to any promotions and the subsequent ROI related to it. If a certain promotion is not doing well or the business is not getting desired results, the brand custodian can always look for other platforms to generate quality conversions.

Analyze and Re-strategize
There can be umpteen instances where a particular campaign/promotion might not work for a business. That doesn't mean that the promotion is wrong or the product/service is not good. Doing an analysis of the campaign is as important as setting the objective. This helps the business to formulate their upcoming strategies in more effective ways. At the end of every campaign, brands must note down the learning's from that campaign and identify if the content/idea was appreciated by their fans or not. This helps businesses to skip the non-performing updates from future communications.

Final Thoughts
Social media for small businesses is definitely beneficial and fruitful. If followed correctly, small businesses can benefit tremendously from the power of social media promotions.

For More details you can visit: http://www.infunotion.com/blog

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Social-Media-for-Small-Businesses&id=9931702] Social Media for Small Businesses

Social media for small businesses is a great way for emerging businesses to generate lead and build a reputation. If regularly updated, social media can deliver more results as compared to traditional mediums. Social media for small businesses gives brands an edge of control over the content that they want to post. Also, since social media is a two-way dialogue process, it helps businesses to instantly identify what is benefitting them. Social media for small businesses also helps generate Word of Mouth, which is one of the best tools for emerging businesses.





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Social media marketing


Social media has really changed the ways we market in recent years. marketers and small companies that understand the effect social media has on sales will surely do better than their competitors. The earlier sales representatives know this the better for them and their entire organization...

7 Tips To Grow Sales Using Social Media
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ted_Pius/2285282]Ted Pius

Social media has become a selling force for the marketing world and marketers are taking a great advantage of it. Recent survey shows that about 75% of sales and purchase decisions are done through social media evaluations in one way or the other. Even the way we do business and maintain customer relationship has changed drastically within the last few years all because of social media. The traditional way of selling both offline and online has changed from email marketing, networking, phone calls and face to face discussions to almost complete social media selling. That been said doesn't mean our traditional ways of selling are no longer good or in use but, we rather make better use of them combining social media selling information and experiments to grow sales using social media.

Growing sales using social media

Social media selling is simple but a tactical way of reaching your audience based on their demographics and at the right time through the right source depending on the most popular social media channel your local or global audience are using at a particular time. Properly using your networks on LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, and other social networks, you will be able to easily identify potential prospects, then gain intelligence on your audience needs and challenges, and then leverage this knowledge. This valuable information will make a way for you to engage them in conversation that will give you the opportunity to email, call or even meet them in person and present your offers to them. It is no news that the potentials social media have help marketers uncover new selling opportunities and also develop the existing business relationships that leads them to grow sales using social media.

To succeed on social media, you have to properly plan, set out a clear strategy, devote some time and work hard work before you can even think of succeeding on social media selling. Below are some of the best tips every selling rep should follow in other to be successful on social media.

1. Defined your Brand or Products/Services

Before you even start anything on social media, you as a person or group have to first define your brand, products and services. This means that, how do you want to be seen as a brand? Is it that you are have the best quality products with the lowest cost or do you offer the fastest and efficient services within your niche. Do you want your audience to see you as the best team or group of experts in a particular field? it all have to be first defined. By doing this, you will determine how you want to be perceived in the eyes of your audience and also know the right source of social network you will need to use.

2. Create and complete your social media profiles

After defining your brand and having a full knowledge of how you want to be perceived on the media among your audience and potential clients, the next thing you need to is to create attracted accounts on all the social media platforms within your reach. Whether is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and also create and update your LinkedIn profile. Connect your site with all the above mentioned social sites and not LinkedIn company page. Make sure you don't have previous information on those pages that will hurt your brand and create controversy among your visitors and potential customers. These social media pages represent your brand, products and services to great extent and they must be kept clean and filled with information appealing to customers only.

3. Identify your targeted audience and go after them

There are so many ways of searching for your targeted audience on social network these days. You know them easily by what they like, their subscriptions, what they share and view on daily bases. Another way to search for your audience is through LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great tool for this because they allow you to search for people according to their demographics e.g. by their titles, regions, specific departments, companies, industries, and more. Same thing can be done with Twitter and now with Facebook posting updated to target specific audience to increase engagement. You could also find your potential customers through your competitors' fan pages and make attempts to steel them in ways I won't discuss here. In case you need more information about this, email or contact the admin of this post.

4. Build your social Network with your targeted audience

After getting to know who are your targeted audience on those social networks, Start building your network with the people you know by inviting them to like and share your pages. There are a lot of chances that those people might know who you want to sell to and make sure you add all the people from your past and present job places, your family and friends and encourage them to share your information among their friends. This for sure will lead to your pages attracting new members and so the growth will continue. Make a good use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ to start this process.

5. Identify platforms your audience are using

Knowing the social network platforms your targeted audience are on regularly will help you a lot in targeting them and bringing them to your pages on same social networks channels. You have to understand where your targeted audience spend most of their time, discuss their challenges and share information about topics interesting to them. Once you identify those platforms, join the groups, and subscribe to those platforms. There are chances you would meet a lot of your targeted audience there and convert them to becoming your fans and subscribers. You would do better is you spend more time on those social platforms where your audience spend most of their time. These will lead to more subscribers and potential customers you would keep forever.

6. Grow sales using social media

Learn and monitor your Potential clients on those social media platforms

Some tools like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and Google Alerts are just great peace of software that can help you monitor in real time what your potential customers are talking about online which will allow you to quickly respond to them in a timely manner. Your target audience are continuously sharing information on social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and more which send messages to what their needs and wants are. Sometimes even their profile update might review what their needs are at a time. Knowing all these will give you great insight on what to create and how to target them based on their behavior on social media.

7. Offer Target and valuable content that will impress and engage your audience

Now that you have defined your brand, create and enhanced your social media profiles, identified your target audience and where they spend most of their time on the social media platforms, started building your social network, and began learning more about your target audience, the next challenge will be to start offering great information about your products, services and brand. This will help you to build trust and establish yourself as an expert within a particular field. these days you need to share targeted valuable insights with your prospective customers in the form of quality content using the different social media platforms they use and also make sure these contents are sent to them at the right times and through the right source.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?7-Tips-To-Grow-Sales-Using-Social-Media&id=9409619] 7 Tips To Grow Sales Using Social Media

Social Media Marketing Is no Joke!

Why Do You need to Catch the Social Media Wave?

Why You Need Social Media?...

Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Tip 2: Link Building
Tip 3: Social Media

Why You Need to do Social Media?
Social media, it is all the rage today, It's increasingly becoming a more integral part of people's everyday lives. Especially now that people can carry the world in their pockets with smartphones...

It is therefore critical that you not only have relevant and detailed content on your website, but you must be showing up where they are searching for you.


To do so you must undertake an integrated and comprehensive search and social media marketing effort.

good social marketing is posting comments into good blogs or forums

and thereby creating a rich link-base.

You are sure to get high traction through social media marketing.

It may go as high as getting 2000 hits in just 5 days on one single comment posted with a link to Your Website...

list of quality social networking sites

wherein you can go and bookmark your important web-pages into these social sites.

You may also create your blogs (relevant to your services),

post good content on these and make them more interactive for more visitors to visit...

Tip 1: Search Engine OptimizationTip 2: Link BuildingTip 3: Social Media
Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results...
Tip 2: Link Building
In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), link building describes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage-
Tip 3: Social Media
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests ...
Once you are done with On-page optimization, put your best of efforts to gain as many inbound links you can. There are multiple ways that you can work on to achieve a golden value for your website. At the outset, submit your website URL to 100+ Search Engines and 500+ Quality online directories that give you quality link-backs. Write good relevant articles and submit them into quality Article sites. You may also submit your Press-notes into quality Press-release directories. Put your Ads into free classified directories. You may also go for link-exchange campaigns...

Social Media Marketing Is no Joke!

Social media can enable companies to get in the form of greater market share and increased audiences. Internet bots have been developed which facilitate social media marketing. Bots are automated programs that run over the internet, with the most important social media marketing examples being chatbots and social bots. Chatbots and social bots are programmed to mimic natural human interactions such as liking, commenting, following, and unfollowing on social media platforms.

A new industry of bot providers has been created. Social bots and chatbots have created an analytical crisis in the marketing industry as they make it difficult to differentiate between human interactions and automated bot interactions. Some bots are negatively affecting their marketing data causing a "digital cannibalism" in social media marketing. Additionally, some bots violate the terms of use on many social mediums such as Instagram, which can result in profiles being taken down and banned.

Social media detoxification or Social media detox is a kind of mental detoxification under the umbrella of Digital detox, specifically referring to a period of time when individuals stay away from social media platforms.

News flash... Social Media is here to stay. Think about the course of your day, how many times are you on Facebook, or how many times during the course of a news broadcast is Twitter mentioned or how many times do you look up a review of something before you buy on Yelp or Google or any other number of review sites?

Better Understand and Grow Your Business With Social MediaBy [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aaron_F_Montgomery/2088105]Aaron F Montgomery

I have been on Facebook since 2006, Twitter since 2008 and used both platforms as a way to grow my supply company that I used to own. Yes, I even had a very active MySpace account. In the last 3 years, I have also been active at Google + and keep my LinkedIn profile updated quarterly. I also am active on YouTube. So let's better understand and grow your business with Social Media.

So first off what is the point? Why spend time and effort on this? I think as an industry we are definitely slow to adapt many of the tools available to us with social outlets. If you look at some of the major players in our industry very little time and effort is put into social media. Social media does take lots of time and it is hard to really see the results quickly. Also, for many in our industry, we are more of an analog industry and are just now getting to the digital age. Pad Printers are a prime example. Wonderful creative and talented people that stamp ink. They can make just about anything work, but ask a hardcore pad printer their thoughts on the digital sublimation systems is often "that horrible trouble creating machines can take a flying leap... " But in the right environment with the right market, sublimation can be a savior for a pad printers business. So back to Social media...

So why the do we need to be on social media? 37 million people log onto to Facebook daily, and in the last 10 minutes, 40,250 Tweets have been posted. How about Google +? Who do most all of us go to when we want to search for something on the internet? There are 5,922,000,000 (Yes that is 5.9 Billion) searches on Google per DAY. Google holds a staggering 67.6 percent of the U.S. search engine market share, according to the latest search engine market share figures for April 2014, released by comScore. Being on G+ and talking about search terms that are important to your business as well as sharing links to your website on G+ correctly will help your search ranking. By improving your search ranking you will have a better likelihood that someone goes to your website who is interested in the products and services you offer. So the numbers are right. There is an audience and chances are most of your customers are somewhere on social media waiting for you to interact with them.

The other reason for many of us is the price. The price cannot be beat... FREE! Being social is absolutely free and just takes time and effort. There are things you can spend money related to social media that will make things a little easier, but honestly people doing it right and spending the time needed don't have to pay a thing to promote their business and find new customers. What are your alternatives to reaching your customers? You could exhibit at a trade show or home show or another event. Plan on spending $5,000 to $10,000 to really do that right, though. You could do internet advertising with banners or Google AdWords. Plan on spending $1,000 to $2,000 a month to get the kind of reach you can get with social media. You can put ads out on the radio, TV or even the local newspaper, but again they all cost money, a commodity that most small businesses don't have in abundance yet. Now using social media to improve the ROI (return on investment) for the above things is something you should be looking at doing. Let's say you spend the $5,000 to display at a local home show, but by luck of the draw end up in a corner behind the local loud mouth realtor and no one comes to see you. How about using social media to get people past the realtor with images of your booth, jokes about the loud mouth realtor or otherwise. Be yourself and help people come find you.

Another plus is it is not one sided like many other marketing methods, you don't have to be the only one growing your business with it. Real quality interaction is driven by your customers and potential customers. Your job is to foster interaction between your company and products. This is not the elevator pitch where you have 30 seconds to sell your goods and services, this is the time to talk about things that interest your customer and build a relationship that will turn them into lasting customers. Also, happy customer make the BEST salespeople so give them an outlet to advocate for your brand by having an active social media plan.

So what else can be done? With social media, you can also use it as a tool for Customer Service. Yes, I am guilty of using my personal Twitter to vent my frustrations with poor service received by a company. I also try to be aware of shouting out good customer service by companies via social media. Many companies have figured it out and actually do a fantastic job of helping, supporting and taking care of their customers with social media. Then there are the examples of those who have made massive blunders. A company that many of us in our industry might have heard of made the Inc. Magazines top 10 social media fails in 2014 for their posting of a picture of the Challenger space shuttle exploding as a way of celebrating the 4th of July on their Tumblr page. They took a beating for it and the excuse was the social media manager was born after the Challenger disaster and didn't know it was it was. On the flip side of this coin you have lots of companies in our industry and beyond that get it and do a great job of interacting with their customers and making social media an integral part of their customer service plan. For example, I'm a loyal flyer on Southwest because of the help I received via their Twitter team when I was having some challenges traveling with my Autistic son. They sprang into action and made our journey a pleasant one and now I hardly fly anyone else. You can do things like monitor for comments about your company or product and then just make sure you are doing the right thing on social media. You have to put yourself in their shoes and wear your "empathy" hat when interacting with folks on social media. Check your ego at the door!

Social media can also be used as a tool for research and product development. You can find all sorts of information about your competitors, your customers and potential customers on social media. The trick here is to just be part of the conversation. You have to be a human, not just a Twitter Handle or a Facebook Page. You have to give something to get something. This means solving problems, giving tips and tricks, opening the curtain to who you are as a person and company. Once you do this then you can get people to answer questions like "Do you like the black edge plaque with this design or the cherry edge plaque with a different design?" You can also find out if your competitor XYZ Company takes too long to deliver a product, or has other weaknesses that you might be able to take advantage of by being a part of the "group" on social media.

So as you can see to me being a part of social media can be a huge lift for your business and provides you with all sorts of tools to not only promote your business but to also understand and better service your customers. It is free to be a part of it just takes time. But if you think about what your average day looks like, how often are you just reading the latest click bait article that your friend posted on Facebook or looking at the latest Disney quote on Twitter or other time wasting activity. Why not take those 15 minutes and devote it to being active on social media in a way that talks about your business. How about encouraging your employees to be active on social media as it relates to your business. All it takes is for the word to start spreading and you will see results. They won't be huge or immediate, but if the effort is put in and you are daily being a part of the conversation where your customers are at on social media, you will wake up in 6 months to a year and notice that it is working.

Find me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/aaronM_STL or on Google+ at [https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AaronMontgomery]https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AaronMontgomery and let's talk about how you can gain success with social media.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Better-Understand-and-Grow-Your-Business-With-Social-Media&id=9372753] Better Understand and Grow Your Business With Social Media

The total time spent on social media sites in the U.S. across PCs as well as on mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012, compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building a reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income...

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Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers.

Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns.

Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing, including current and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public.

On a strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance, setting the scope and the establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone."

social media


https://weheartit.com/articles -REVIEWS

Social Media for Small BusinessesBy [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shashank_Dhadiwal/2543191]Shashank Dhadiwal

Social media has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Businesses of all size and shapes have started making the most of available mediums. Today we will try to anatomize tips on social media for small businesses. There are a plethora of small businesses eyeing social medium to promote their business/services. However, majorly these small businesses are failing or not being able to make optimum use of social media for their business growth. There are many theories and strategies on how to effectively use social media for established brands, but the topic of social media for small businesses is seldom addressed. According to Digital state of eMarketing India 2017 Octane Research:

60% small businesses promote their business on social media. 50% focus on SEO and 35% use multichannel marketing funnel.70% small businesses consider content strategy as their primary marketing activity.52% business owners are using social media to efficiently address customer engagement.More than 20% of business owners said that they are making 50% plus profit using social media.

The primary reasons for the low turnout are uncertainty on an application of social media, calculating return on investment and persuade employees/stakeholders to clinch social media. Hence it is important to address the elephant in the room and analyze how beneficial is Social media for small businesses.

Social media for small businesses is a great way for emerging businesses to generate lead and build a reputation. If regularly updated, social media can deliver more results as compared to traditional mediums. Social media for small businesses gives brands an edge of control over the content that they want to post. Also, since social media is a two-way dialogue process, it helps businesses to instantly identify what is benefitting them. Social media for small businesses also helps generate Word of Mouth, which is one of the best tools for emerging businesses.

Social Media for small businesses | 10 Tips to effectively use Social Media

Define your Target AudienceThe first and foremost important part that small businesses should focus on is to define their target audience. This helps small businesses to device their social media strategy accordingly. The target audience should be defined basis age group, sex, location, users' online behaviors, their likes, interests, and preferences. For niche products, business owners can even target users based on their birthdays, anniversaries and important milestone. Audience targeting plays a very crucial role in the outcome of the results. For e.g.: a local shop selling footwear should not target users with interest in entertainment. The shop definitely won't get the desired results.

Set achievable goalsOvernight success is a myth. Small businesses must understand this basic fact. Generally, when a new business starts selling on social media, there is palpable excitement is achieving more than set targeted sales. Businesses need to set goals which are upwards and forward. To achieve enormous goals, small businesses start updating social feed with multiple updates in a shorter duration. This leads to user's disinterest in the product/service. The set goals should be in sync with the brand's core capabilities and expertise. For e.g.: if a business is into selling shoes, they shouldn't set a goal to repair maximum shoes in their area.

Choose the right mediumBy now everyone knows, social media is for free. Even paid campaigns can be conducted at a relatively low cost as compared to traditional mediums. It is in this scenario, that we often see small businesses jumping the bandwagon and creating profiles on all the available platforms. Creating social profile doesn't hamper brand image, but aggressively promoting a brand on wrong platforms can lead to brand losing its potential customers. Hence it is advisable for SME's to first identify the right platform through which they can maximize their business. For e.g.: If a shoe selling brand tries to aggressively sell on LinkedIn, they won't get a plausible response as compared to promotions on Facebook/Instagram.

Promote your core product/servicesSince each and every business is riding in the social media wave, it is important for them to promote their core product/services. Nowadays, we see a lot of businesses promoting their services as well as promoting peripheral products/services, which revolves around their core product/services. Majority of the times, this SME's doesn't have capabilities to fulfill a requirement, which can lead to a bad word of mouth for their business on social media platforms. Let us go back to our example; if a shoe seller is trying to aggressively promote socks instead of shoes, it is not going to benefit the business in the long run.

Create quality contentNow that we have covered the topics of identifying the target audience, setting achievable goals, choosing the right medium and promoting the right product/services let us now take a look at the type of content business should promote on their social pages. A business should always focus on creating good quality content rather than not-good quantity content. Even if the business updates their page once in a day as long as it is relevant to their business, advocates about its core products send across a clear message it is considered as good quality content. Antagonistically, if a business posts multiple updates which aren't even relevant to the business's products and services leads to users considering the business as fake/spam. Also, new businesses should try and refrain from promoting other businesses on their social platforms initially.

Create a content calendarMaking a small business successful on social platforms is no small task. It takes a lot of efforts for the businesses to keep up their conversion ratio. One such effort is to create a content calendar. Small businesses must anticipate important events and create a content calendar accordingly. Ideally, a content calendar must be planned a month in advance but an even weekly content calendar is highly recommended. This helps businesses to avoid any last minute hassles, strategize much more effectively and it also helps in creating curiosity amongst its loyal fans/customers.

Test and re-testSocial media is highly unpredictable. The content a business posts today, might not work for tomorrow. Hence, small businesses must always test their content before publishing it on their pages. Testing content also applies to the platform a small business chooses to promote. Small business owners must always don the consumer's hat before posting about any product feature, updates, schemes or offers. A consumer's perspective is the key when testing the content that has to be uploaded.

Look for inspirationSmall businesses must always look for inspiration from a competitor who is successful in the same category. Copy pasting competitors idea or content is not the answer. Small businesses must look for the kind of content its competitors are putting up and derive their own strategies subsequently. Inspiring content/stories always make a business to strive to create their own content that is appreciated by one and all. It helps in increasing brand consideration, brand visibility thereby increasing conversions for the business.

Calculate ROIEven a small promotional budget is not justifiable if there is no mechanism to calculate its return on investment. It is more important in case of small businesses. It is very important for a small business to keep a tab on the budgets allocated to any promotions and the subsequent ROI related to it. If a certain promotion is not doing well or the business is not getting desired results, the brand custodian can always look for other platforms to generate quality conversions.

Analyze and Re-strategizeThere can be umpteen instances where a particular campaign/promotion might not work for a business. That doesn't mean that the promotion is wrong or the product/service is not good. Doing an analysis of the campaign is as important as setting the objective. This helps the business to formulate their upcoming strategies in more effective ways. At the end of every campaign, brands must note down the learning's from that campaign and identify if the content/idea was appreciated by their fans or not. This helps businesses to skip the non-performing updates from future communications.

Final ThoughtsSocial media for small businesses is definitely beneficial and fruitful. If followed correctly, small businesses can benefit tremendously from the power of social media promotions.

For More details you can visit: http://www.infunotion.com/blog

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Social-Media-for-Small-Businesses&id=9931702] Social Media for Small Businesses

Social media for small businesses is a great way for emerging businesses to generate lead and build a reputation. If regularly updated, social media can deliver more results as compared to traditional mediums. Social media for small businesses gives brands an edge of control over the content that they want to post. Also, since social media is a two-way dialogue process, it helps businesses to instantly identify what is benefitting them. Social media for small businesses also helps generate Word of Mouth, which is one of the best tools for emerging businesses.





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