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Health and Wellness
What's the Best Diet for High Cholesterol

Cholesterol lowering foods recipes start with cooking fresh vegetables, you can try cooking vegetables and adding herbs and will give you the flavors of rosemary with peas, cauliflower and squash, oregano with zucchini, dill with green beans, and you can also try marjoram with brussels sprouts, carrots and spinach. It is recommended to snack on nuts, as well as use olive oil on salads. Using these methods to lowering cholesterol will help you reduce risk of heart attack and stroke.

For those looking for an alternative to reducing saturated fat is that the change requires you to replace meat and cheese in your diet with soy foods to reduce the amount of saturated fat that you eat.

Saturated Fat is bad for you

Some of the reasons is that the liver uses saturated fat to make cholesterol, so when you eat foods with saturated fat already it just will increase your cholesterol levels leading to lipoproteins (LDL). To make sure you are not getting too much remember that these fats are usually found in animal products such as whole milk, cream, butter, and cheese, as well as meats, such as beef, lamb and pork.

As you are probably aware research done on the compounds in soy foods called isoflavones may help reduce the LDL in cholesterol. Fiber rich foods such as beans, kidney, navy, pinto, black, chickpeas are soluble fiber, other foods include oats, oat bran, barley, brown rice, beans, apples, and carrots.

What foods should be avoided to prevent high cholesterol?

In regards to the number of other foods that may not be considered high cholesterol foods they include whole milk dairy products, such as butter, ice cream, cream cheese, duck and goose have more cholesterol than chicken. Since most cholesterol comes from animals. Interestingly foods with the highest amounts of cholesterol are eggs where an egg yolk has 213 mg of cholesterol and four ounces of beef liver contain about 400 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol.

Since 50% of Americans have levels above the suggested limit, cholesterol is a direct contributor to cardiovascular disease, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks

The good news is that high cholesterol can be changed with the proper diet as well as incorporating more HDL cholesterol in your diet because it reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in your system.

How to get more “good” cholesterol in your diet

Eat foods high in HDL then you will live longer, it has been proven that monounsaturated fats such as canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil, peanut oil can increase HDL cholesterol levels, others include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can also increase HDL levels.

How You Can Prevent Macular Degeneration Macular degeneration prevention is possible if one chooses to eat foods containing antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. It has been reported that people who eat diets rich in vegetables such as in leafy green vegetables, may have a lower risk of macular degeneration. Some specific foods would include lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in egg yolks, corn, spinach and green leafy vegetables and almonds. For those who have Age-Related Eye Disease (AREDS) study shows high doses of zinc, beta carotene, and vitamins C and E is effective in reducing the risk of further vision loss. Ask your doctor about these supplements before you use them. Other helpful tips are to eat fish, get regular eye exams because early detection of macular degeneration increases your chances of preventing serious vision loss. It is recommended if you are older than 40 to get your exam every two to four years. It is important to screen your vision regularly. You can regularly monitor your vision at home with an Amsler grid this will allow you to detect subtle changes in your vision, quickly. As you are probably aware if you have some vision loss due to macular degeneration consult your doctor and see if you can be prescribed optical devices called low-vision aids. This will help with you being able to see up close It is also recommended to try a low-vision specialist The thing is since AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss among elderly people, those who slowly lose their central vision macular degeneration makes it harder to read, drive or recognize familiar faces. Also people older than 55 years in the United States are affected by vision loss among almost 3 million aging adults by 2020 What are the various types of macular degeneration? The two types are dry (atrophic) form and wet (exudative or neovascular) form. The one starts with a gradual breakdown of cells in the macula, resulting in blurring of ones central vision. While as the other one is newly created abnormal blood vessels grow under the center of the retina. For the dry type one will experience single or multiple yellow white spots found on the back of the eye of the outer retina. This is in contrast to the form where the vision distortion usually starts in one eye and may affect the other eye later. Detection is done with a slit lamp biomicroscope or ophthalmoscope. As for the case of advanced dry macular degeneration, known as geographic atrophy, is the culmination of prolonged, progressive wasting changes in the nerves and sensory retina and is more common in people over the age of 70. It is important to consult a specialist if you notice any changes in your vision, a practicing physician can give you the proper diagnosis for your condition.
Basic Dental Care for Senior Citizens When it comes to dental care age is not always the determining factor certain medical conditions, such as arthritis in the hands and fingers, may cause brushing or flossing teeth difficult to perform also medications may also affect the health of your teeth. Some oral hygiene tips for seniors is to brush daily to keep them free of plaque buildup and to avoid decay or gum disease. As people advance in age their oral health problems increase from darkened teeth, dry mouth, diminished sense of taste, root decay, gum disease, tooth loss, as well as denture induced stomatitis . In order to maintain good oral health, it's important for you to brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss at least once a day as well as visit your dentist on a regular basis for teeth and gum cleaning. The good news is that senior, dental problems can be avoided with proper oral hygiene, a balanced diet and regular dental visits. It is important to note that good dental health is vital for speaking, and chewing. Also it has been reported that many older adults or patients are sensitive to having their mouth or head touched. Some medicare and health care programs for seniors do not provide any dental care. Since Medicaid is the federal state joint program that provides health care benefits seniors, who are low income you will want to check with your state or dental associations, school dentistry or senior centers to see if there are any free dental assistance or low cost care. The problems that can affect the health of dental care in elderly include things such as limits on insurance for dental treatment as well as inability to get to dental offices, side effects of medications, or recurrent decay around older fillings, and poor diet. Here are some proven ways for seniors to maintain dental health: Make sure to drink plenty of waterRinse mouth regularly after using toothpastes with fluoride in themIt is important to brush and floss twice a day.You may find it easier to use a electric toothbrushIt is recommended to see a dentist regularlyCheck with your doctor about medications side effects that may affect your teethSee your dentist for a teeth cleaning before you undergo major surgeryReport any changes in your teeth or gums to your primary doctor and dentist Dentures and dental implants need to have the same cleaning and health care as your natural teeth Cleaning and brushing removable dentures is a regular part of a steady routine of dental hygiene. Start by placing dentures in a cleaning fluid overnight then after soaking then use a soft nylon brush for brushing the cleanser off with water.
Basic Dental Care for Senior Citizens When it comes to dental care age is not always the determining factor certain medical conditions, such as arthritis in the hands and fingers, may cause brushing or flossing teeth difficult to perform also medications may also affect the health of your teeth. Some oral hygiene tips for seniors is to brush daily to keep them free of plaque buildup and to avoid decay or gum disease. As people advance in age their oral health problems increase from darkened teeth, dry mouth, diminished sense of taste, root decay, gum disease, tooth loss, as well as denture induced stomatitis . In order to maintain good oral health, it's important for you to brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss at least once a day as well as visit your dentist on a regular basis for teeth and gum cleaning. The good news is that senior, dental problems can be avoided with proper oral hygiene, a balanced diet and regular dental visits. It is important to note that good dental health is vital for speaking, and chewing. Also it has been reported that many older adults or patients are sensitive to having their mouth or head touched. Some medicare and health care programs for seniors do not provide any dental care. Since Medicaid is the federal state joint program that provides health care benefits seniors, who are low income you will want to check with your state or dental associations, school dentistry or senior centers to see if there are any free dental assistance or low cost care. The problems that can affect the health of dental care in elderly include things such as limits on insurance for dental treatment as well as inability to get to dental offices, side effects of medications, or recurrent decay around older fillings, and poor diet. Here are some proven ways for seniors to maintain dental health: Make sure to drink plenty of waterRinse mouth regularly after using toothpastes with fluoride in themIt is important to brush and floss twice a day.You may find it easier to use a electric toothbrushIt is recommended to see a dentist regularlyCheck with your doctor about medications side effects that may affect your teethSee your dentist for a teeth cleaning before you undergo major surgeryReport any changes in your teeth or gums to your primary doctor and dentist Dentures and dental implants need to have the same cleaning and health care as your natural teeth Cleaning and brushing removable dentures is a regular part of a steady routine of dental hygiene. Start by placing dentures in a cleaning fluid overnight then after soaking then use a soft nylon brush for brushing the cleanser off with water.
You're Diagnosed with Glaucoma - Now What? One of the leading causes of permanent blindness, that affects twelve million people worldwide is Glaucoma where in the peripheral vision diminishes and if untreated there is a high chance vision will be lost. It is important to learn glaucoma facts before the condition affects your vision. One of causes of blindness occurs when the fluid pressure inside the eye is too high this results in elevated eye pressure causing the optic nerve to , become damaged. This damage is what cause the permanent and irreversible loss of vision. Laser Surgery Glaucoma

The different types of glaucoma surgery include invasive trabeculectomy, trabeculotomy and minimally invasive surgical options. The best thing is to get recommendations from your eye doctor when it comes to the right surgical procedure. Some even provide the option of taking glaucoma eye drop medications. When it comes to side effects of glaucoma surgery you may experience cataract, problems with the cornea, and infection or inflammation inside of the eye.

The positive side of glaucoma laser surgery is that it decreases intraocular pressure by the eye’s drainage capabilities being enhanced. It is interesting to note that ophthalmologists prefer laser surgery over conventional microsurgery.

Glaucoma Laser Surgery Complications

After glaucoma surgery it is important to avoid heaving lifting, straining, and periodic checkups are required to monitor progress. As you are probably aware laser comes with some risk. Some surgery complications are increase in intraocular pressure or excessive drop in pressure, it will take medications to manage risk of cataract formation after surgery. Patients may experience blurred vision or irritation after the procedure is done.

Glaucoma Home Remedies

It has been reported that water soluble antioxidant can relieve eye pressure as well as improve vision. You are advised to consult a specialist before taking any herbs or supplements for glaucoma home remedies. You may be aware of certain nutrients that are helpful in the treatment of glaucoma. Most glaucoma patients are deficient in Vitamin A, B, C, protein, calcium and other minerals. Taking such nutrients such as calcium and B­ complex may help relieve the intraocular condition.

According to some specialists the intraocular pressure in glaucoma can be lowered by the Vitamin C therapy. Many Glaucoma treatment start with medicated eyedrops. It is best to use the drops as prescribed your doctor may prescribes more than one type of eyedrop, ask how long to wait between applications since some of the eyedrops are absorbed into the bloodstream you want to avoid possible side effects. It is important to consult your doctor before trying any type of treatment for Glaucoma.

What Causes Balance Problems?
Balance Problems Diagnosis and Treatment Options

To understand about balance disorders is to know that it starts with a disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady, giddy, woozy, or have a sensation of movement, such as spinning, or floating. So it is important to have balance in which there are several body systems working together such as in the case of visual system, vestibular system in space for the brain, when balance is impaired, an individual has difficulty with orientation and may not be able to walk without staggering. Some of the symptoms of a balance disorder is sensation of dizziness or vertigo, falling, lightheadedness and disorientation.

Many of these symptoms may disappear over short time periods or may last for a longer period of time. You will come across different types of Balance Disorders from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. With BPPV, a person will experience a brief feeling of vertigo when one changes the position of their head or when rolling over to the left or right, getting up in the morning, or when looking for an object on a high shelf. It has been reported that BPPV is more likely to occur in adults ages 60 and older, but can also occur in younger people caused by an inner ear infection, head injury, or aging.

Another type of balance disorder is labyrinthitis is an infection or inflammation of the inner ear causing dizziness and loss of balance. For those who experience Vertigo they will experience an hallucination of motion. From falling, or rocking some have described it as a spinning, turning, or whirling sensation. In most cases, the symptom of vertigo implies a disorder of the inner ear or vestibular system. So the problem with balance occur when vestibular, visual, proprioceptive may include dizziness.

There are various options for treating balance disorders. One option includes treatment ear infection, stroke, or multiple sclerosis treatment will vary depending on your symptoms, medical history, general health, and results of medical tests. As yu are probably aware recent MRI studies show humans with bilateral vestibular damage undergo atrophy of the hippocampus which correlates with their degree of impairment on spatial memory tasks.

Another treatment option includes balance retraining exercises with vestibular rehabilitation this exercises include movements of the head and body therapy is thought to promote compensation for the disorder. When it comes to vestibular retraining programs they are administered by professionals who have the knowledge and understanding of the vestibular system and how it relates to other systems in the body.

If you or someone you knows experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, faintness, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, fear, anxiety, or panic these types of reactions to the symptoms of fatigue, depression, and decreased concentration should consult a physician for treatment.

The Aftermath of Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy side effects breast cancer

As many learn about the possible side effects of breast cancer treatments the radiation can cause side effects that impact a persons skin, hair, mucous membranes, energy levels, appetite, as well as the ability to think clearly. It is important to learn how to take action and get proper treatment.

Some ways of managing pain experienced in the bones and joints during breast cancer treatment is important. Some of the causes of pain in patients can be from cancer in the bone, tumors, surgery procedures, radiation as well as drugs such as aromatase inhibitors. It is important to note that if a patient is in pain, it is important to talk to a practicing physician immediately so that the pain can be controlled.

Primary Therapy Treatment

Treatment given after primary therapy will increase the the chance of a disease free survival in the long run. This form of treatment is used to reduce and eliminate the cancer it usually includes a mastectomy or a lumpectomy. In which case one or more nearby lymph nodes are removed to make sure there are no cancer cells spreading to the lymphatic system. Breast conserving surgery will include radiation therapy.


For those who need breast cancer dcis treatment, which is a common type of carcinoma in situ called DCIS is known as ductal carcinoma in situ or intraductal carcinoma which accounts for nearly 25% of all breast cancer diagnoses, DCIS is often first detected by a mammogram an x-ray examination of soft breast tissues used to identify lumps, cysts, tumors, and other abnormalities. Effects of Chemo

It has been reported that even in early-stage cells may break away from the primary tumor and spread to other parts of the body so doctors give adjuvant therapy to kill any cancer cells that may have spread. Chemo is a treatment which may be given intravenously by mouth. How it works is that the drugs will travel through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells. So the chemo is given in cycles, with each treatment ending in a recovery period. Most treatment usually lasts for several months.

As you are probably aware side effects of chemo depend on the drug used, the amount taken, as well as the length of treatment. Common side effects such as hair loss, mouth sores, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, increased chance of infections, easy bruising or bleeding, and fatigue. Many of these effects after treatment is finished go away.

Health and nutrition

You will be interested to know that as many as 2.3 million American women have survived breast cancer or are living with it after surgery and treatment. A loss of appetite or desire to eat, and the loss of muscle, organ tissue, and other lean body mass and weakness will require nutrition and exercise to help in regaining optimum health. Diet after breast cancer surgery, starts with eating smaller meals throughout the day, trying a protein shake, yogurt, soups, chicken broth with vegetable.

Reconstructive Surgery Options

Reconstructive surgery after breast cancer, is what some women choose after mastectomy, so the skin where the breast has been removed needs to be stretched before the reconstructive surgery can occur. It is done by inserting a implant expander, beneath the skin and chest muscle. When the skin has been stretched then a second surgery is performed to remove the expander so that a permanent implant can replace it. Another common breast reconstruction method involves using healthy skin and muscle from other areas of the body by attaching the skin to the latissimus muscle in the back or using part of the abdominal rectus muscle to be used in the breast reconstruction area.