Time to analyze your finances? Start with your net worth, or where you stand financially. To do this, create two columns with your assets on one side and your liabilities on the other. Once your columns are created, the next step is to subtract your liabilities from your assets. If the end result is a negative number, take action and implement a budget to pay off all non-mortgage debt.
Being realistic about your personal finances requires knowing what your true financial status is right now. Being realistic about it will help you to achieve a more stable financial situation than you might think.
Do you know where all your money goes? Do you wonder why as soon as you get paid the money just seems to disappear leaving you broke until the next pay check? And what about saving for retirement, or do you plan on working for the rest of your life? Successful businesses and people have a budget and so should you. If you don't you need to create a personal budget today.