Improve Your Sleep. Tips

It ain't over till you say it's over...

Improve Your Sleep. Tips

After a hectic day, a good night sleep is what you need. Unfortunately, there are many people who are deprived of this. There can be innumerable reasons behind it, but there is one in particular that many tend to overlook, and that is the 'sleeping position'. Wrong sleeping positions can lead to many health issues like sleep apnea, heartburn, headaches, back pains, etc.

How to figure out the right sleeping position?Some people are comfortable sleeping on their backs, while others are good with sleeping on sides or on their stomachs. The question is, can you switch over to a different position if that's what your health requires?
  • Unless recommended by your doctor, try to stick to your natural inclinations because your body is comfortable that way. You can breathe properly only if you are sleeping the way your body prefers to!
  • Unnecessary changes in sleeping postures will not only make you sleep deprived but will also make you feel irritated for the rest of the day.
Pros and Cons of different sleeping positions On your back and your arms at your side
  • This position works absolutely well with the people with spinal and neck problems.
  • People sleeping on their back tend to snore heavily and they tend to develop sleep apnea.
On your back and arms resting near your head (Starfish position)
  • This position is good for people suffering from back problems.
  • Sleeping like this will prevent skin breakouts and facial wrinkles.
  • Although, you may have to deal with problems like snoring, acid reflux, pain and discomfort in shoulders.
On your stomach (face down)
  • This improves digestion.
  • But causes strain in your neck.
  • The possibility of back pain, as your spine has no support.
Fetal Position (Curled up sleeping with knees drawn to your chest)
  • It is a very comfortable position.
  • But strains your neck and back.
  • It may also restrict deep breathing.
On the side with your arms straight at sides
  • This position reduces the risk of sleep apnea.
  • It also reduces neck and back pains, if any.
  • But you may have to deal with sagging breasts and facial wrinkles due to gravity.
On your side with your arms spread out
  • Again, no risk of sleep apnea and no back and neck pains.
  • There may be some discomfort in your arms and shoulders due to slow blood flow.
  • Sleeping on the sides
Right side- This position worsens heartburn. Left side- This position strains important organs like your stomach, lungs, and liver. But, it does minimize acid reflux.Pregnant women are usually advised to sleep on their left sides as it improves blood circulation in the fetus.Important tip: Being health conscious is great, but you should never try to bring drastic changes in your lifestyle without expert advice. Each sleeping pattern has its own advantages and disadvantages, but which one is perfect is something that only your body can tell!
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"Improve Your Sleep"

Healthy sleeping habits are a must if you are looking to improve the quality of your sleep. People who find it difficult to get into a deep slumber every night should persistently follow sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is a combination of some logical habits and practices. Following these with devotion will make sure that you get good sleep at stretch. Let's have a look at some of the most significant tips.

1. Avoid consumption of all interfering items

This includes nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other chemicals. All these products work as a stimulant that forces you to stay awake.

If you do wish to consume chocolate, soda, tea, coffee, etc., then make sure that you do it at least 5-6 hours before your standard bedtime.

2. Make your bedroom look like one

Create a very peaceful environment in your bedroom. It shouldn't look like a study or a storeroom. Clear all the extra stuff that is not a bedroom material, keep the lights very dim and make use of your favorite scent. All these together will make sure that you fall asleep instantly.

3. Follow a relaxing routine before you sleep

One hour before you sleep every day, do something that relaxes your mind as well as your body. Taking a bath is very effective; it instantly makes you feel drowsy. Listening to slow and peaceful music (not with the help of your headphones, though) also makes a huge difference. For some, reading works well too. You be the best judge and decide the most comforting practice for yourself!

4. Stick to your day's routine/ indulge in physical activities

The most important factor is to feel tired when you are about to retire to bed. Following the same routine day in and day out will exhaust you. But if not that then you can indulge in exercising so that your body demands good rest. If exercising, then make sure that you do it at least 5-6 hours before your regular bedtime.

5. Eat light meals in the evening

Your evening meals should consist of foods that are easy to digest. Also, make sure that you eat at least 3-4 hours prior to sleeping. Sleeping with the full stomach is a bad idea. It may lead to indigestion and thus, interrupted sleep.

6. Restrain from consuming too many fluids in the evening/ night

Drinking a good amount of water and juices is extremely important. But the focus should be on consuming more fluids during the daytime and less in the evenings. Balancing this is very important.

7. Avoid sleeping during the daytime

You may take a 10-15 minute nap, but don't sleep more than that. This small nap will relax you enough to carry on for the day. But a longer nap will mean that you are too relaxed to feel tired during your bedtime. And this will definitely interfere with your sleeping pattern.

Healthy sleeping habits are a must if you are looking to improve the quality of your sleep. People who find it difficult to get into a deep slumber every night should persistently follow sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is a combination of some logical habits and practices. Following these with devotion will make sure that you get good sleep at stretch. Let's have a look at some of the most significant tips.

Try to incorporate these into your daily routine. Getting habitual of these will help you to have a much peaceful sleep. Apart from that, try to understand the signals that your body gives you and try to go with the flow. I hope all these tips contribute to better sleep quality!

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"Improve Your Sleep"